Alex 的評分: 5
2005-09-22 01:01 來自台灣的Alex有以下留言:
蕎語 的評分: 5
2005-09-21 19:07 來自台灣的蕎語有以下留言:
2005-09-28 17:35 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
chong 的評分: 4
2005-09-14 21:18 來自香港的chong有以下留言:
I booked mexican hotels via emails.
I suggested you to use emails for communication since many mexicans cannot speak English.
Unless you are calling to Delux Hotels, telephone is not that common there.
AND even hotel receptionists may not be able to speak English~
Bonnie 的評分: 4
2005-09-13 18:49 來自香港的Bonnie有以下留言:
Cotopaxi 的評分: 5
2005-09-12 21:50 來自香港的Cotopaxi有以下留言:
Anyone knows if HKSAR passport holders need VISA for Ecuador?? Any problem at the Quito Airport?
2005-09-28 17:48 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Not needed according to http://www.immd.gov.hk/ehtml/topical_4.htm
namie 的評分: 4
2005-09-08 17:26 來自台灣的namie有以下留言:
armseeking 的評分: 5
2005-09-04 19:50 來自香港的armseeking有以下留言:
I look forward to viewing your Argentina pictures and travel info. For viewers information, can you also include the name of places that you stayed, their cost & possibly their address,etc.
To Natalie:
I am going to Mexico in the end of Oct/beg. Nov. You can email to my address armseeking@hotmail.com to discuss more details.
2005-09-04 22:03 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Thanks for your comments. In fact, I've put my accomodation information in the bottom part of the web page for corresponding places. However, I didn't put down their addresses simply because I didn't have them on hand. Anyway, you should be able to find detailed addresses of most of my accomodations in LP.
FYI. Argentina and Antarctica will be my next web sites. Hope you'll enjoy it.
小T 的評分: 5
2005-09-02 18:04 來自香港的小T有以下留言:
很傻的問題, 但真是解決不到, 不知網主或大家能否幫個忙...
是關於撥長途電話往mexico,但打極電話都唔通, 是不是有打idd 的"秘技" ? :(
1. 0080
2. 然後打國家編號 , mexico 是 52
3. 然後打地區編號, mexico city是 5
4. 然後打個電話, eg. LP 電話是 55182104
我試過 0080+52+5+55182104
又試過 0080+52+55182104
另外, 又試過在國家編號前加"0", 加”00”,又試過在地區字頭加"0" , 加"00"
還是接不上, WU~~ :(
小T 的評分: 5
2005-09-03 16:11 來自香港的小T有以下回應:
已試過不同的idd 公司...電話公司查詢熱線也說我沒有打錯...另外, 每間在mexico的旅館都打不通...應該是我撥號時有些什麼錯誤罷~
Karen 的評分: 5
2005-09-01 10:48 來自香港的Karen有以下留言:
很漂亮的網頁! 就是每張圖和每個字也很用心去做. 希望網主有更多機會去旅遊, 讓我們看更多美洲古文明!
J Chou 的評分: 5
2005-08-31 13:45 來自香港/台灣的J Chou有以下留言:
很棒的網站! 他日若真能成行南美洲之旅, 必定特來請教。
剛也參觀了"天下遊蹤"內的其他幾個旅遊點,真是令人又羨慕又敬佩,拍下美美的相片之餘, 還整理得這麼好, 放在網站上分享出來。了不起!!
Thank you!
joyce 的評分: 4
2005-08-29 02:34 來自香港的joyce有以下留言:
我於6月份獨自去了墨西哥及危地馬拉一個月,行程如下︰Tijuana--Los Mochis--Creel--Zacatecas--Guadalajara--Guanajuato--Acapulco--O
axaca--San Cristobal de las Casas--Palenque--Flores--Tikal--Mexico City。出發前曾到此一遊,幸獲網主提醒︰與其走馬看花,倒不如將整個假期花在墨西哥上,結果我獲得了一次很好的旅遊經歷。墨西哥吸引人之處遠比我想像中多,不論歷史古蹟、沙漠風光、山區印弟安人之風情、度假海灘、自然峽谷,以至西班牙小鎮建築,都使我深深愛上這國家。在此再次多謝網主的意見。
Hattie 的評分: 5
2006-03-28 01:20 來自香港的Hattie有以下回應:
I will travel to Mexico this Oct. This website has given me a great deal of information. Thank you. I must say the pictures are excellent!
I hope to take the Chihuahua-Pacific Railroad (from Los Mochis or El Fuerte to Chihuahua) and stop for some day trips in between (maybe 1-2 days). Did you join some day trips from Creel or El Divisaero? I read from books that that is a fantastic trip.
However, to do this train trip, I might have to fly from LAX to Los Mochis and from Chihuahua to Mexico city, which 2 flights will cost USD355.4!!
I know that I've been a bit greedy as I only have total 17 days. Should I just stick to the itinerary like what you've taken in 2002??
Any advise? Thanks.
2006-03-28 13:37 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
I haven't visit those places. I think use some $$$ to buy time is unavoidable if time is limited. You can reference my first Mexico trip, which had similar duration as you. Note that it was 1996 and many infomation can be out-dated.
Nena 的評分: 4
2005-08-25 02:29 來自香港的Nena有以下留言:
It was on last week’s news that archeologists discovered a new Mexican historic site which was very similar to the Palenque. Please let me have the details. Thanks.
小T 的評分: 5
2005-08-19 17:00 來自香港的小T有以下留言:
有關背包存放問題...我們打算先到Cancun , 然後背著大背包到chitchen Itza , 當晚再到Merida, 不知道在Chichen Itza 有沒有行李寄存處?
2005-08-20 08:03 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
我當時也是帶著行李遊 Chichen Itza,跟你的情況相若,只是相反方向。我當時是跟本地團,行李好像是留在車上,有沒有行李寄存處便不清楚了。
Ann 的評分: 5
2005-08-18 00:13 來自台灣的Ann有以下留言:
armseeking 的評分: 5
2005-08-17 22:10 來自香港的armseeking有以下留言:
I like the way that you categorized the countries by civilization, colonial, nature ...
I wish I have the patience to do the same for the countries I visited.
To: 小丁
本人打算十月底左右去墨西哥,如時間許可或到危地馬拉,可否交換資料及聯絡?我的電郵是 armseeking@hotmail.com
Natalie 的評分: 5
2005-08-25 01:43 來自香港的Natalie有以下回應:
Hi Armseeking~
I'm seeking travel partners to the latin America by the end of October~
How's ur plan? Are you travelling by yourself?
Do you think we can share abt that?
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