小蜜蜂 的評分: 4
2005-03-09 11:05 來自香港的小蜜蜂有以下留言:
Hello, I am going to join my friend in Peru (my first point but she has already travelled C.A., Colombia and Ecuador) next month and we will then travel around the whole S.A. (ie. Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Venezuela) in five months. Can you give me some advice or what should i pay attention to during my trip.
I was annoyed by two visa application issues. The first one is Bolivia, however, after reading your website, I feel released. I will apply a BNO Visa this few days.
The other one is Brazil. As I will only be in Brazil at the end of July. Even I have got the visa in HK, it will be expired at that time. I therefore need to extend the visa in S.A. Do you have any idea of this issue?
As it will be my longest trip of my life. I am both excited and worried in preparing this trip.
Anyway, your website does give me comfort.
2005-03-09 16:18 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
I'm glad to hear that my website can give you comfort.
The no. 1 concern of course is personal safety. Always keep alert and cautions should bring you a safe and enjoyable trip. Otherwise nothing need to worry, as you have plenty of time and you will have a partner who have travelled SA for a while.
I didn't visit Brazil except Foz do Iguazu, which don't require visa for a day trip from Agentina. As far as I know, it is not difficult to apply for a Brazil visa in Buenos Aires.
SA is becoming more and more popular among indepedent travellers. Most of them finish their trips happily without trouble. No need to worry too much and enjoy your probably once-in-a-lifetime trip.
Viola 的評分: 5
2005-03-07 00:22 來自香港的Viola有以下留言:
Doris 的評分: 4
2005-03-05 02:47 來自香港的Doris有以下留言:
Hello Fina,
I dont think Mexico is dangerous at all (compare to china and some places in Europe). I am from Hong Kong , but I was an exchange student at Mexico for half year. I think it is totally fine. Just feel like you are traveling in other places. :) Be careful at your personal belongings any time. It would be fine, Enjoy ! Mexicans are very nice !!
郁 的評分: 5
2005-03-04 16:18 來自台灣的郁有以下留言:
fina 的評分: 5
2005-02-04 04:20 來自美國的fina有以下留言:
我从探访古文明栏目点击Chichen Itza链接,蹦出来的是UXMAL,请网主检查一下链接是不是有问题,多谢!
2005-02-05 23:08 來自美國的fina有以下回應:
这里的“托尔特克”下面的“CHICHEN ITZA”连的是UXMAL.
fina 的評分: 5
2005-02-03 00:24 來自美國的fina有以下留言:
fina 的評分: 5
2005-02-02 14:47 來自美國的fina有以下留言:
关于司机GG骗你们的事,也无需挂怀,我曾经看过墨西哥城警察局的网页,上面居然有整整一页教你如何辨别黑车,可见出租车很“杂”,警察叔叔教导市民打的注意事项的最后一条居然是Confíe en su sentido común, si no le inspira confianza, mejor tome otro taxi(相信自己的第六感,如果感觉不对劲,最好重新找一辆)。
fina 的評分: 5 (fina 的個人網頁)
2005-02-02 14:21 來自美國的fina有以下留言:
2005-02-02 22:53 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
1. 「遍遊世界」可不敢當,恐怕多走十年也只走過世界的一小片。
2. 我認識兩位朋友剛安全遊完墨西哥,我想只要事事小心和避免夜歸,也不至於太危險。
3. 我想你應多把握機會認識當地的風土人情,暫時放下平日的生活標準和習慣,例如嘗試當地人的交通工具、當地人的餐廳...,有時往往這些體驗較美景更能歷久常新。
Dennis 的評分: 5
2005-01-27 17:02 來自香港的Dennis有以下留言:
Hola amigos:
I find this web-site most informative and am very excited that quite a number of people in Hong Kong have actually visited various central and South American countries.
I have been to South America several times and am now planning for a hiking trip to Ecuador and Bolivia in September.
My BNO passport was expired in July last year. I did not require a visa to enter Bolivia in my last visit to this country in 1999. Nevertheless, I have recently visited an official Bolivian tourism web-site and found that a visa is required for Hong Kong residents for entering Bolivia. Would anybody let me know about visa requirements for BNO / HKSAR passport holders for Bolivia?
There is a diplomatic representation of Ecuador in Hong Kong but never have I managed to put my phone call through as the line is always engaged. Would anybody tell me about visa requirements for entering Ecuador?
Muchas gracias!
2005-01-28 13:10 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Bolivia is not on the visa exemption list of BNO. However, I never heard of a BNO holder who is rejected by Bolivia immigration due to no visa. HKSAR passport needs a visa though.
Not sure about Ecuador. Again, many Latin American officials treat BNO as British passport, which is visa free to most countries.
tiger 的評分: 4
2005-01-22 12:49 來自香港的tiger有以下留言:
glad to find yr website as i am reading lonely planet Mexico for my feb trip. u know lonely planet w/o much pic, and hard to pronounce the cities in spanish, so happy that yr website give me a preview of the place.
i visited northern chile, bolivia, peru and brazil at 2001 (just b4 911), yr website awoke my momery a lot, it's wonderful.
what'll be yr next destination ???
2005-01-23 12:11 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Thanks. I'm not sure where will be my next destination yet. It depends on when I can take leave.
Mexico is a very enjoyable country with many attractions. My greatest regret is my photographing technique was too bad during my first Mexico trip. Wish you an enjoyable trip and bring back lots of good photos and memory!
2005-03-08 17:10 來自香港的Tiger有以下回應:
already back from holiday, i've visited Mexico, Guatemala and Belize.
i love guatemala the most, stayed at Antigua for couple of days, though it's not as developed as mexico but more lovely especially the "chicken bus", a bit like india style.
and volcano pacaya is really tough to me, w/o the guide's help, i might not reach there. yr info. really helpful, with yr description, i can imagine how the route alike and prepared for a half day difficult trip.
yr experience encourage us to cross mexico-guate boarder w/o previous visa. but we picked an opposite way from u, crossed at La Mesilla then to Antigua then Flores. a bit worry if we will be rejected to enter Guate, luckily all went smooth, just few mins. time we got the chop.
got lot to share with u but dunno where to stay tim. :D
2005-03-08 17:36 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Thanks. I always enjoy reading stories and experiences of travellers who are back from similar kind of trip as me.
2005-01-05 23:36 來自香港的June有以下留言:
When are you going to share your Antarctic trip with us? I really look forward to it. Happy New Year and please continue to travel.
方 的評分: 5
2005-05-27 00:57 來自台灣的方有以下回應:
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