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harry 的評分: 0 (harry 的個人網頁)

2004-03-05 21:53 寫上來自韓國harry有以下留言:


harry 的評分: 0 (harry 的個人網頁)

2004-03-05 21:57 寫上來自韓國harry有以下回應:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-06 10:03 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

你好。如你不介意可稱呼我做 Old Dreamer,愛發夢的老頭嘛!南、北韓邊界秋天很美啊,有看過我的《秋意韓風》嗎?

harry 的評分: 0 (harry 的個人網頁)

2004-03-05 21:38 寫上來自韓國harry有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-06 09:59 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

當然首推科班 (Copan),上次去不成是我最大的遺憾。

harry 的評分: 5 (harry 的個人網頁)

2004-03-05 21:32 寫上來自韓國harry有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-06 09:54 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


harry 的評分: 5 (harry 的個人網頁)

2004-03-04 23:33 寫上來自韓國harry有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-05 13:55 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

據說有人拿 Olmec 的器皿花紋圖案跟商代的銅器比較後,發覺有些很相似而有這說法,但我應為理據不充分。

harry 的評分: 5 (harry 的個人網頁)

2004-03-04 23:19 寫上來自韓國harry有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-05 13:51 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


suen 的評分: 5 (suen 的個人網頁)

2004-03-02 21:58 來自香港suen有以下留言:

Hi webholder,
It's me. Many thanks for your support & quick response.
Don't u know is it possible to go to Guatemala by SAR w/o visa as my BNO has been expired?
As holding SAR require applying visa to Bolivia but there's no Bolivia's consulate in HK (one in Beijing), do you know how to get it? Is it possible to get on-board visa? Or is it easy to get Bolivia's visa in Peru or Chile? About how long?
Have u take a few days trip to the salt lake in Uyuni in Bolivia? Is it like the salt lake at 'Tsing Hoi' of Silk Road in China? Have u join the Amazon trip & the Chalalan at Madidi Cty Park in Bolivia?
Sorry to ask so many questions.
Hope to see yr changing webpage.
Have a nice day!

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-03 18:25 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

特區護照不能免簽證 (其實 BNO 亦要,不過很多人試過被當作英國護照而免簽證)。玻利維亞亦一樣不能免簽證,我之前在 newsgroup 看過有人說試過在智利辦簽證,詳情不清楚,但他入境後辦延期時仍有麻煩,最後被遞解出境。到南美,BNO 仍然是較方便的。


jessica 的評分: 0 (jessica 的個人網頁)

2004-02-28 11:41 來自天涯某處jessica有以下留言:

just looking

suen 的評分: 5 (suen 的個人網頁)

2004-02-26 20:37 來自香港suen有以下留言:

Yr website is very great & informative.
There's not enough Chinese books abt S.A. trip. In addition to 'Lonely Planet', which books u recommend to get so much travel information? I have read "Hola, S.A." & yr website, really want to start the dream trip this yr.
When will u have another trip to Peru & other S. American countries? Will u have problem if travel alone?
I really want to have a look of Maya & Inca culture but it's very difficult to find friends w/ same vacation. I'll be jobless in April but haven't confidence to travel alone. I think it's a good chance to travel before applying a new job. Although I've gone to silk road, and E.& W.European ctries for months some years ago, every time I travelled w/ partners. Is security a big problem in S.A., like Bolivia, Peru & Mexico?
Wait for yr next great trip!


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-27 13:10 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

除了介紹到熱門地點如日本、台灣的吃喝玩樂指南外,其他的中文旅遊書向來乏善足陳,看看有甚麼地方好去還可,要仔細計劃便嫌不足,《Hola 南美》已算不錯了。我也是主要參考 LP 的,上次到玻利維亞也有看過 Footprint,都幾好。傳聞 LP 會出中文版,如屬實其他中文書或要“執笠”了。


P.S. 我正把這網站更新改版,希望趕及你起行前完成啦!

Maya 的評分: 5 (Maya 的個人網頁)

2004-02-24 07:00 來自美國Maya有以下留言:

to 詩:
i will head to mexico city in march 12. i am searching for the air fair to head to merida in the 13th. i plan to stay in merida for 4 days after that and go visit uxmal and chichen Itza. Then, i'll head to Palenque and then go back to Mexico City. maybe we'll get a chance to meet up or something. are you a girl travel alone? 'cuz i am. so, i'll be very happy if i can find a company to go alone with.

詩 的評分: 5 (詩 的個人網頁)

2004-02-22 13:46 來自美國有以下留言:

Thanks for your reply on Jan 20 to my msg;
I finally got the airticket to merida first n went back to LA from Cancun;
I planned to stay in Merida n go to Uxmal n Chichen Itza; In cancun to Tulum n Coba.
Should I order the local tour online, or it's better for me to find the tours after my arrival?
Coz I'm going there during Spring Break, there'll be a lot of students on vacation, i'm just a bit worried about that.

And if i'd like to try swimming with dolphins n snorkeling, what's the average price?

Thanks so much again!
Wish you have a great day!

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-23 13:11 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

去到後才經旅館或旅行社安排不難,我想不用預訂,海外預訂一般價錢會貴很多。我忘記了我在 Isla Cozumel 浮潛的價錢,但應只是十美金之類的價錢。

Maya 的評分: 5 (Maya 的個人網頁)

2004-02-19 02:04 來自美國Maya有以下留言:

hi, my name is maya. haha. i got this nickname while i was in primary school that i was so into mayan culture at that time.
and my dream of visiting the real maya sites has finally came true. i'll go to mexico for spring break by myself. lots people sent me warnings that i should not go alone. but i am so determined and nothing really can stop me. i have been to many other countries that considered dangerous for tourists. (i visited angkor wat, cambodia, last summer.) and i found that the danger comes from the big cities and awareless of the tourists themselves.. not the some real spots that can be a real nice shock in life!! but still.. i got hesitated a bit. after reading your website, i felt so released from the pressure. 'cuz you have done a great job in introducing the mayan culture and in providing useful informations!
i planned to stay in mexico for 10 days. but now it seems like 10 days will not be enough. haha..
and if this trip can be successful, i may go visit other countries you mentioned in the page. :)
btw, i have a question i'd like to ask.. if i want to stay in mexico city for 2 days then head to merida.. what will be the best way for transporting?
take care!

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-19 13:27 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


Vangelis Lin 的評分: 0 (Vangelis Lin 的個人網頁)

2004-02-18 17:22 來自台灣Vangelis Lin有以下留言:

各位好 ,

很冒昧無端打攪大家 這不是駭客 亦不是垃圾廣告郵件 惟希望這封信不會耽誤您過多的寶貴時間

簡單說明一下 我寫此信的用意

我是一個原習法律 嗣於金融圈打拼的五年級末段班生
在因緣際會之下 我接觸了與我工作領域八竿子打不著的水下考古探勘與文物保存法制世界
突然間 覺得其趣味盎然 深覺若能將之好好研究 那應該是一件很有意義的事
因此 碩士論文遂以此為主題 (偏重於水下文物之法制保護面) 而加以發揮
碩士班畢業之後 更於機緣下 將上開論文研究以另一種面貌呈現 (出版成半學術性之書籍)
期待透過尚不成熟的文章發表 拋磚引玉 吸引更多的專家投入相關的領域

儘管目標是如此的冠冕堂皇 我自己於寫書的同時 其實卻是相當心虛的
因為 我從來沒有受過正統專業的人類學與考古學的訓練
不過 儘管如此 我仍認為它至少是一個研究起點 (這段期間 仍感謝數位相關領域範疇的專家不吝為文賜序)
更希望因此能結交更多與人類學或考古學領域的朋友 一同學習成長

各位是人類學或考古學 或旅遊領域這方面的專家

緣此 若您不介意與一位素未謀面的陌生人做朋友
若您樂意與他人分享人類學與考古學 旅遊之學習經驗與成果
若您對上述書籍與相關研究領域 有任何批評指正 (歡迎來信指正 讓我們可以做得更完美)

均歡迎您來信指教 (研究之路 其實可以不孤獨)


一個對人類學與考古學 旅遊 有興趣的人
藺明忠 上

e-mail :


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-19 13:22 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


pat_lee 的評分: 0 (pat_lee 的個人網頁)

2004-02-16 10:14 來自中國pat_lee有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-16 14:10 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

十月去墨西哥不錯,價錢則豐儉由人,視乎行程、住宿等,很難估計,我花的價錢請看我每頁下的資料。墨西哥城市內的大廣場和市郊的 Teotihuacan 都屬必看,旅遊團則可在旅館報名。

yhw 的評分: 0 (yhw 的個人網頁)

2004-02-13 22:59 來自中國yhw有以下留言:


panpan 的評分: 5 (panpan 的個人網頁)

2004-01-29 19:12 來自香港panpan有以下留言:

Hallo!I am doing a project about Maya.
Would u mind give me more information about Maya?
Or can u give me suggestions on which points that are valued enough for me to mention in the project?
Thank you for your kindly attention.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thx a lot!!

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-01-30 17:21 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

I hope my web pages can act as a super quick introduction to arouse interest of readers who are not familiar with Maya. I cannot afford the time and effort to make a comprehensive Maya web site, and in fact, I think I'm not knowledgeable enough to do that. There are many English and Chinese books on Maya available in HK. Some Chinese books are short and easy reading.

Not sure what kind of project you are talking about. I think one interesting topic is their mythology and religion.

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