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Rita 的評分: 0 (Rita 的個人網頁)

2005-05-03 11:28 來自香港Rita有以下留言:

Lastest news about Visa to Bolivia

I have just back from Peru on 1 May 2005. We intended to start our South America trip from La Paz (Bolivia). However, while we were on tranisit in Tokyo (Narita Airport)on 26 Mar 2005, the AA staff stopped us from boarding on the plane to La Paz via Miami and LA cos they said that a visa to Bolivia is required for the BNO holder as BNO holder is Chinese citizen.

We have no way out but were foreced to stop in Tokyo for a few days to sort out the visa problem. We have gone to the Bolivia Embassy in Tokyo and their reply was a visa is required for BNO holder and we have to apply it in Beijing.

I would like to post this message to advise people who want to fly to La Paz directly from Hong Kong have to check carefully with the Bolivia Embassy whether a Visa is required. It seems that BNO is OK for entering into Bolivia via Chile and Peru. But, a direct flight to Boliva may have problem.


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-05-03 15:17 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


我也發現玻利維亞不在 BNO 免簽證國家名單內 (雖然香港出版的旅遊書說免簽證),我亦是因擔心被航空公司留難而不敢直飛玻利維亞,改為取道秘魯 Puno。想不到這不幸事真的會發生在你們身上。

我覺得主要問題不在入境時而在登機 (我 2003 年最終也從智利直飛拉巴斯,入境亦很順利。) 我另一次往危地馬拉也是因此不敢直飛而取道墨西哥。

其實拉丁美洲應還有一些國家都有類似情況,是入境官員誤以為 BNO 即是英國護照才給予免簽證入境,並不是官方上免簽證。

Rita 的評分: 0 (Rita 的個人網頁)

2005-05-03 16:42 來自香港Rita有以下回應:

Dear Webmaster,

Sorry that I am not good at Chinese input, thus I could only post the message in English.

It was really a painful experience and that's why I decided to let other people know about it via your popular web page.

We had finally spent 4 nights in Japan to wait for the end of the Easter Holiday in Hong Kong and ask our ticket agent to re-route our ticket from La Paz to Lima, the cost of re-routing is 100 US Dollars for each ticket. However, the cost of spending 4 nights in Japan is very expensive and we had lost our chance to visit Bolivia, we really want to go to the "Salt Lake". It is really not easy to travel in S. Am, must have some luck.


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-05-04 10:55 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:



Jiff 的評分: 5 (Jiff 的個人網頁)

2005-05-02 22:52 來自香港Jiff有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-05-03 14:30 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


我相信南美洲不時有新建的酒店,可能要在網上找。我沒聽過六月有甚麼大節日,或可到 找找看。

chiu ching 的評分: 4 (chiu ching 的個人網頁)

2005-05-01 03:51 來自香港chiu ching有以下留言:

continental airlines 經new york 往cancun來回要$13,000呀!!!
american airlines最平可以$8300...
why such a great difference?

V&C 的評分: 0 (V&C 的個人網頁)

2005-05-02 09:39 來自TaiwanV&C有以下回應:

直達機票-貴但不用擔心時間;趕班次及多次搬運行李加檢查等!轉機機票-便宜但缺點就是有直達機票的問題囉及機上服務不是粉好的etc.!~一種價錢一種值得!永遠是差距很大及不一樣的! 我是從網路american airlines等訂購的,從台灣出發及因為我有要事在身所以我去墨西哥前已飛美國好幾個城市了!我是買轉機機票便宜但很累,你要注意的是有些短線飛行是不附餐點只有喝的及小包餅乾若你餓要自己準備免得趕來趕去到時看別人吃會很痛苦的......

V&C 的評分: 0 (V&C 的個人網頁)

2005-05-02 09:46 來自TaiwanV&C有以下回應:


V&C 的評分: 4 (V&C 的個人網頁)

2005-04-28 11:33 來自TaiwanV&C有以下留言:

We've been to Cancun and stayed in the Isla Mujeres for 2 weeks. There is a nice/beautiful island for short time to relax but I'll suggest you that only spend 1 week is fine. And because of there is out of city so every costs are not so cheap! But if you aren't a asian may be the price and cost for you is not big deal and too expensive! Because every countries exchange rate are different! We felt they were robbed us! If you choose offer a trip alone and not join tourist agency that you can't real enjoy some of fun at the island! For example: we'd like to see and play with dolphins etc. but when we were inquired the enter ticket that a real surprised us!! The ticket have several type prices but just enter and have a look that is expensive already! Sorry, I forgot the price. And I learned diving from there and the teacher was not gentle and nice! I was afraid and cry sometimes to continue my course but I've too becasue the money is spent and not so cheap!! However, for me is I don't have good impressions! May be for my bf is OK!
We went to Chichen Itza also. But you must to know the bus schedule before you were plan to go there, otherwise you will waste more time on your trip.
I believe the Mexcio is nice/beautiful country just whatever where you want to go to have a nice trip that you must have enough preparations!!!

阿道 的評分: 4 (阿道 的個人網頁)

2005-04-24 18:51 來自香港阿道有以下留言:


我係嶺南大學學生, 明年我會去mexico 作一個學期交流, 我之前未去過拉丁美洲, 或有自由行經驗. 所以我想問mexico 當地的情況, 如治安, 交通, 甚至是語言(因為我不懂 spanish).
如果我想於學期後遊覽墨西哥, 約要多久同要多少錢. 我仲想知你去拉丁美洲總共有多少人?


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-04-26 12:23 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

你問的問題不是三言兩語可說明,再者我所知的或已過時。總括治安要多加留心,交通不大問題,語言最好學點基本西班牙語 (其實你作交流大可趁機學會它)。

墨西哥是遊一、兩個月都可嫌不夠時間的地方,視乎你有多少時間,但至少要兩星期。其實我覺得你有一個學期慢慢適應,你想知的很多資料和行程安排可在交流期間問當地人更好,不用現在擔心。預算消費則請參考 Lonely Planet 或其他旅遊書。我去拉丁美洲試過一個人,也試過兩個人、三個人同行。

Hally 的評分: 5 (Hally 的個人網頁)

2005-04-24 00:27 來自美國Hally有以下留言:

Just some updates on the info. I went to Mexico last winter (Dec. 2004) with four of my friends. There are many more bus services between Mayan sites now. For example, we took the bus (1st class) from Tulum to Coba, then from Coba to Valladolid (a small town close to Ek Balam). In Coba, you can hire a guide (very friendly and knowledgable, speaking perfect English, much cheaper than in Chichen Itza) and rent a bicyle. Biking in the jungle between those half-renovated pyramids and Mayan sites is really exciting and fun.

Hally 的評分: 0 (Hally 的個人網頁)

2005-04-24 00:35 來自美國Hally有以下回應:

Links to the travelogue my friend made:

Hope them to be useful for someone, enjoy! :)

wkalo 的評分: 0 (wkalo 的個人網頁)

2005-04-24 18:55 來自香港wkalo有以下回應:

To Hally,
Tks for your info but there is nothing in your gvk21744.html

wkalo 的評分: 4 (wkalo 的個人網頁)

2005-04-20 21:47 來自香港wkalo有以下留言:

1. Are ten days enough for touring Mexico (visiting the Maya sites but skipping the coastal region).
2. Is there any flight connection between Mexico and Peru's Lima.
3. I have five weeks vacation and intend to fly from Oakland(US)to Mexico, if time permits, go to Peru, do some sightseeing & trekking, & return to Oakland. Should I book all my flights in advance (before tour) or only after reaching each destination. My major concern is the high altitude sickness in Cuzco.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-04-23 11:07 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

1. Probably, but you may need to go Yucatan Peninsula direct and skip Mexico City and around.

2. I think there are flights between their capitals, but likely need to transit for other cities.

3. I think you better book at least all international flights in US. You may like to read my page on altitude sickness at

林威妮 的評分: 4 (林威妮 的個人網頁)

2005-04-19 22:36 來自台灣林威妮有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-04-20 13:35 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

六月是智利的冬初,有機會滑雪哩。大致上最南部會太冷,可由聖地牙哥出發往北邊走邊玩,至 Arica 返回。San Pedro 和 Lauca 都不容錯過。

kalo 的評分: 4 (kalo 的個人網頁)

2005-04-15 18:33 來自香港kalo有以下留言:

Plan to visit Mexico or Peru in this July for abt 2-3 weeks. Which country is preferable in terms of scenery and budget? I have past experience in high-attitude sickness but would like to do some trekking, which places are recommendable?

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-04-15 22:06 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Both are excellent places to travel. If you want trekking, I think Peru may be more suitable. Although I haven't tried, Inca trail, Huaraz, Coca Canyon etc. in Peru have lots of trekking opportunities. Peru should be less expensive as well.

P.S. I don't have Peru's climate on hand. You may better its weather in July before making decision.

katie 的評分: 5 (katie 的個人網頁)

2005-04-14 12:10 來自香港katie有以下留言:


香港人 的評分: 5 (香港人 的個人網頁)

2005-04-13 12:29 來自香港香港人有以下留言:


另外, samsam係咪香港出發? 9日真係好趕,搭飛機都要預頭尾3日,最好預多d添,因為墨西哥航空誤點好嚴重呢,如果要駁即日機可能有危機添.

samsam 的評分: 4 (samsam 的個人網頁)

2005-04-09 15:53 寫上來自HKsamsam有以下留言:

Dear webmaster, when do you think is the best time in a year to go to Mexico? Since i am working now, i plan only to go there for 9 days. What would be your recommended places to visit in these 9 days?

thanks a lot

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-04-11 11:42 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

According to LP website, it should be Oct-May. 9 days are very short to travel such a large country. You may either take a more leisure approach to stick to places around Mexico City, or "tour-like" hurry by including Cancun and visit its beaches and day-trip to Chichen-Itza as well.

OLd Guy 的評分: 4 (OLd Guy 的個人網頁)

2005-04-07 08:41 來自香港OLd Guy有以下留言:

First trip was 1 month in 2002. Traveled with my wife & visited Igassu Falls, Rio & Sao Paulo in Brazil; Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Puno, Nasca & nearby areas in Peru; Santiago & the surrounding areas in Chile.

Second trip was another month in 11/2004. Mainly focus on the Patagonia regions in Chile & Argentina. Trekked a few days in the Torres Del Paine. Punta Natales, Punta Arena, El Calafete, Moreno Glacier, Ushuaia & their cpaitals - Santiago & Buenos Aires.

South America is a huge land mass with wonderful cultures & people living. Hope I could continue to visit this piece of mysterious land in the coming years.

Do you have any plan visiting South America again?

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-04-07 13:13 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Did I meet you? I also traveled around Patagonia in late Nov 2004. However, due to lags behind of my schedule, I needed to cut my original trekking plan in Torres Del Paine to only a day trip. Even worse is that it was a rainy day!

I have no solid plan to travel SA again yet. Like you, I hope I can re-visit SA in the coming years. In particular to visit Brazil, Eucador amd Venuezula as well as re-visit Peru and Bolivia.

katy 的評分: 5 (katy 的個人網頁)

2005-04-07 04:07 寫上來自san franciscokaty有以下留言:

To joyce,
I'm a girl from San francisco(I'm original from Macau), are you going to Mexico in June, coz I'm planning to visit mexico too. Actually, I'm looking for a partner also. so are you interested in that?
from katy

Joyce 的評分: 0 (Joyce 的個人網頁)

2005-04-10 11:21 來自香港Joyce有以下回應:

Hello Katy,

Actually I haven't made my decision yet. Besides Mexico, many countries in Central and South America are also very attractive to me. The only thing I'm sure at this moment is that I've already applied for a long vacation from May 27 to July 5, which means I can travel more than a month! If you are interested in Mexico, please give me more information e.g. how long you want to travel? Which places you want to visit? etc.


OLd Guy 的評分: 4 (OLd Guy 的個人網頁)

2005-04-06 11:15 來自香港OLd Guy有以下留言:

Thanks a lot!!
This is one of the coolest South America travel sites written in Chinese.

Hope you dont mind I post some of my ideas responding questions from your fans here.


I am also planning to go to Mexico & Cuba by the end of this month. I would suggest you check out expedia, travelocity & orbiz for budget ticket from LAX / SFO to Mexico. It would be cheaper to buy online than thru the agents in HKG. I would probably fly from LAS to Mexcico this time.


I visited South America twice in the last three years. Studying Spanish is a great idea and unique experience in South American countries.

For flights between HKG to south American countries & other travel discussions, you may refer to the two discussion forums below:

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2005-04-06 16:14 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Never mind and thank you for your reply.

Just curious. Where did you visit in your last SA trips?

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