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天上的猫 的評分: 4 (天上的猫 的個人網頁)

2004-08-10 21:17 來自中國天上的猫有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-08-11 00:39 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

相對很多經常上網的小伙子年紀不算輕了,可能快要給人叫老伯了 ^^

Summer 的評分: 4 (Summer 的個人網頁)

2004-07-30 00:49 來自香港Summer有以下留言:

Hello, Ken兄,
係呀, 龍潭老鼠....
電話照舊, 問幫主便有....

Bonita 的評分: 3 (Bonita 的個人網頁)

2004-07-23 23:04 來自台灣Bonita有以下留言:

Guatemala在 貴網站上譯為危地馬拉,請確認是否為誤打,應是瓜地馬拉才是(首頁及左攔標題處皆出現)。

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-07-23 23:27 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


旅遊鍾(鍾政勤) 的評分: 5 (旅遊鍾(鍾政勤) 的個人網頁)

2004-07-23 20:36 來自香港旅遊鍾(鍾政勤)有以下留言:




旅遊鍾 的評分: 5 (旅遊鍾 的個人網頁)

2004-07-23 20:08 來自香港旅遊鍾有以下留言:

Summer兄,longtime no see,近如何?深宵趕項目計算書,蛇蛇皇上上網,無意中找到這個正網,同時看到你的留言。這個網碓實正!!


小蔡 的評分: 5 (小蔡 的個人網頁)

2004-07-18 10:32 來自台灣小蔡有以下留言:



<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-07-20 21:11 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


小蔡 的評分: 5 (小蔡 的個人網頁)

2004-07-21 21:57 來自台灣小蔡有以下回應:


小小尾巴 的評分: 5 (小小尾巴 的個人網頁)

2004-07-17 05:36 來自中國GZ小小尾巴有以下留言:

非常非常喜欢你的网站!!!对于你呢,崇拜,佩服,羡慕,嫉妒。。。哈哈,别介意,JUST A JOKE!
2004。7。17 凌晨5:37

diana 的評分: 4 (diana 的個人網頁)

2004-07-12 17:46 來自中國diana有以下留言:

hi,old dreamer,
I really appreciate your effort to introduce latinamerica to people!! I would like to help those who are interested in that part of the world too.
The most striking city I vistied in mexico is not mexico city,not guadalajara, not cancun, it is morelia. About 3 hours by car from Mexico city. It is very impressive. So I d like to share my pleasure with your visitors.

22th of Dccember 2003
Today we drove to morelia,a very typical city with colonial style. All the block are straighted organized, the houses are of barroque style, with porches, patios and high ceilings. The church is very grand with two towers. The outside walls of the building are all careful decorated. At night, when all the lights are turned on, we feel we are walking at mid-age France.Many building, especially the cathedral, the lights are very exquisitely arranged. The small spotlights project the light at the bottom
from propriate angles.
At the central plaza. there is a very beautiful fountain,around which all the trees are decorated with colorful lights. soft music flows out from the trees.Since it is near X'mas, at the center of the plaza, a construction is establishes with the figures of Bible.
What makes me most amazed is the design of the streets. Although they were built 3 centuries ago, all are in very good condition and still very convenient even for today's traffic. The vihicles flow on the streets smoothly. All the buildings are of natural and light color, principly grey and beige.
It is a historical city with all the convenience for modern world, with perfect design, dynamis and rustic life.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-07-13 12:15 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Thank you for your sharing, Diana. It seems that you've visited Mexico for a long time. How long did you stay there? Did you visit other Latin America countries?

diana 的評分: 0 (diana 的個人網頁)

2004-07-14 10:05 來自中國diana有以下回應:

hi, banzhu,
i stayed there for one year. We drove a car to travel through those states. I also visited Cuba. but other latin countries, no. I may go there for another year next year,I d like to visit other sA countries during my stay.

diana 的評分: 4 (diana 的個人網頁)

2004-07-12 16:48 來自中國diana有以下留言:

the northern part of Mexico, there are also some very interesting places, "the route of independence":gueretaro,san miguel de allende, dolores idalgo, guanajuato, if you have a car, driving through these cities would be very pleasant; also morelia( the colonial style and most scientifical design!!),guadalajara (Mariach, music and lesure), and those beaches along pacific ocean( but cannot be compared with Cancun).
Just would like to help those are interested in Cultures of latinamerida. further questions, feel free to contact:

diana 的評分: 4 (diana 的個人網頁)

2004-07-12 16:35 來自中國diana有以下留言:

Those places of interest of Mexico: mexico city then to the south, you can go to Veracruz(the famous port), oaxaca( very tipical town of indian people with the famous Monte alban),then pass through there to Chiapas(you can also travel through the border to Guatemala,if you like), later to Yucatan(cancun,merida, uxmal, isla de mujeres, etc). If you still have time, go to cuba from Cancun. The air travel is short and economical.
You can take bus in Mexico city, it is very convenient. Do not worry, at the center of each city there is plenty of tourism information offered free. you can also find local tourist group after arriving there.

diana 的評分: 0 (diana 的個人網頁)

2004-07-12 16:23 來自chinadiana有以下留言:

I visited your website, but the speed was very slow. I could not visit all of the pages. But It seems that the contents are not very plentiful. Only the travelogs? I wonder If I want to add something, such as FAQ,some travelogs about Cuba, mexico, Guatemala etc?
Just some suggestions as a friend. I love cultures of latinamerica very much.


Henry 的評分: 0 (Henry 的個人網頁)

2004-06-04 17:35 寫上來自HKHenry有以下留言:

Hi there,

Great website! I also went backpacking in
South America in 2002 and had a wonderful time there. My website detailing my journey has
been put online over a week ago. Feel free
to visit :

Hope my experience will help those who are
still intimidated by the idea of
travelling to SA!


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-06-04 21:46 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Sorry that your URL is longer than the system allowed length. Anyway, I've fix your link and it is working now.

Your site is very good. I've added to my related links.

Tabby 的評分: 0 (Tabby 的個人網頁)

2004-06-02 19:18 來自台灣Tabby有以下留言:


Tabby 的評分: 0 (Tabby 的個人網頁)

2004-06-02 17:38 來自台灣Tabby有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-06-02 18:12 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


Florencia 的評分: 5 (Florencia 的個人網頁)

2004-05-29 16:14 來自台灣Florencia有以下留言:


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